Monday, May 26, 2008

NYC Trip and Reminiscing About GTA IV

So I'll be blogging from NYC for the next week, and catch up with a lot of old friends.  I bet you can't guess what I did today?

I spent the entire day sightseeing through a major part of Manhattan.  Rockefeller Center, Times Square, and Canal Street (near the Brooklyn Bridge) were all important stops for me on my speedy trip through the Big Apple.  It's always fun getting reacquainted with such a lively city, but it becomes more interesting after experiencing hours of GTA IV.  I find myself picking out signature moments from my time with GTA, and finding them in my real life.

Now, that makes me feel more like a tourist than ever.  

Reminiscing on past moments in real life is what it is, but picking through moments of a surreal (and many would argue unreal) life is truly bizarre.  It's filled with, 'hey, I remember that' or 'where have I seen this before' - only realistically you haven't really been to or seen anything.  All in all, it makes me regret putting down the controller to sleep at night, just so I could pick apart more locations from Rockstar's amazing city simulator.

This entire experience in NYC has put a big smile on my face.  Hopefully, more news on the upcoming DLC pack - so far exclusive to only Xbox 360 - keeps it that way.

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